Free Admission Entire Weekend
Grand Entries
Saturday, February 3: 1pm and 7pm
Sunday, February 4: 1pm
Dancer Registration
Saturday: 10:30am-12:45pm
Point system begins Saturday during 1pm Grand Entry.
Featured Staff & Guests
Master of Ceremonies
Redwing Thomas
Arena Director
Calvin Campbell
Head Judge
Chaske LaBlanc
Drum Groups
Host: Mato Pejuta
Invited: Hoka Hey, Midnite Express, Young Kingbird, ShowTime
Parking/Shuttle Info
Guest parking is limited at Hoċokata Ṫi. Overflow parking is available at the Eagle Creek Park & Ride (6600 County Highway 16). Shuttles will run between Hoċokata Ṫi and the Park & Ride from 12:30-10pm on Saturday and from 10am-7pm on Sunday.

The SMSC Winter Wacipi is a traditional Native American gathering, a celebration of life, pride, and honor. Meaning “they dance” in the Dakota language, today’s wacipi brings together people from all over the country for two days of celebrating Native culture and heritage. The 2024 SMSC Winter Wacipi will be held at Hoċokata Ṫi on February 3-4.
Grand Entry sets the stage for each day’s contests and activities, which includes a ceremonious entrance into the Arena, led by a Native American veteran color guard, visiting dignitaries, and tribal royalty, followed by dancers of all ages. Representing tribes from across the United States and Canada, dancers dressed in regalia compete for top honors in various dance style categories and age groups, while drum groups and singers surround the perimeter of the arena.
Note: The SMSC bans guns on all properties, including Hoċokata Ṫi. Use and possession of illegal drugs, alcohol, cannabis, or cannabis products is also strictly prohibited. Any person who appears to be under the influence of any such substance will be asked to leave the SMSC Winter Wacipi and immediately escorted off property.
Dance Contests
Registration: Saturday (10:45am-12:45pm)
Point system begins Saturday during 1pm Grand Entry
Jr. Categories (6-12)
Traditional, Grass/Jingle, Fancy
1st: $100, 2nd: $75, 3rd: $50, 4th: $25
Teen Categories (13-17)
Traditional, Grass/Jingle, Fancy
1st: $200, 2nd: $150, 3rd: $100, 4th: $50
Adult Categories
Jr. Adult (18-34) & Sr. Adult (35-54)
Men: Traditional/Southern Straight (combined), Fancy, Grass
Women: Traditional/Southern Buckskin-Cloth (combined), Fancy, Jingle
1st: $500, 2nd: $400, 3rd: $300, 4th: $200
Golden Age (55-64)
Men: Traditional/Southern Straight (combined), Fancy/Grass (combined)
Women: Traditional/Southern Buckskin-Cloth (combined), Fancy/Jingle (combined)
1st: $500, 2nd: $400, 3rd: $300, 4th: $200
Elders (65 and older)
Men: All Categories
Women: All Categories
1st: $500, 2nd: $400, 3rd: $300, 4th: $200
Moccasin Games
Registration: Saturday | 10am-Noon
1st: $2,000, 2nd: $1,500, 3rd: $1,000, 4th: $500
Craft Vendors
Dozens of Native American artists and crafters will be on hand in the River Gallery at Hoċokata Ṫi, displaying traditional beadwork, jewelry, and handmade goods.